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- Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 375
- Sunday, March 10th 1991
- Today's Topics:
- More Missing
- More Missing
- Re: Phenomenon Framed Again!
- Resonant Coil Implications?
- Kecksburg UFO story
- Re: Tesla, Keely, Et. Al.
- Kecksburg
- Resonant Gravity Coils
- Re: Kecksburg
- Solar Flare Alert - 07 Mar
- Halley's Comet Article
- Halley's Comet
- movies on WTBS
- that 'fireball' -- potentially high strangeness!
- More Missing
- More Missing
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: More Missing
- Date: 8 Mar 91 06:41:00 GMT
- >
- ....
- > To the list of mysterious disappearances let us add another
- > remarkable case.
- > July 24, 1924, was just another day of blazing heat in the
- > desert
- > of the Middle East, then called Mesopotamia.
- ....
- > When their plane was found, the day after they failed to
- > return, the mystery w s only deepened. There was gasoline
- > in the tank, and the engine started readily when tried. There
- > were
- > no signs that the plane had been shot at. There was
- > no
- > clue to hint why they might have landed where they
- > did . . . in a broad stretch of inhospitable desert.
- > The search party found something else that adds ques-
- > tion marks to the case of the missing fliers.
- Hi Don. Let me share two very queer disappearances with you.
- 1. August 28, 1915, Gallipoli, Turkey (southwest of Sulva Bay in
- Anatolia). The entire British First Fourth Norfolk Regiment, with a
- field strength of 800 men, DISAPPEARED before thousands of
- witnesses in broad daylight. 30 observers and spotters of the
- Number One ANZAC Company and thousands of Turkish defenders
- observed the First Fourth Norfolk mount an attack against
- entrenched Turkish infantry on the clear, cloudless day. They
- advanced up about 1/2 mile of gentle slope toward their objective
- unopposed with no incoming artillery. Very unusual for high summer
- in Anatolia, there was a FOG BANK about 200 yards across on the
- elevated hillside, midway between the Allied and Turkish lines.
- The First Fourth Norfolk Regiment entered the fog bank but did not
- exit on the other side. After about 30 minutes, the fog bank ROSE
- and drifted off across the Agean Sea, against the prevailing winds.
- No attack was mounted in their sector and, as a result, the entire
- assault collapsed. It was assumed by the Allies that the Turks had
- prevailed and captured the Regiment. It was assumed by the Turks
- that the Regiment had demarched under cover of the fog and attacked
- somewhere else.
- War records of both sides and many hundreds of interviews confirm
- every part of this story. The fate of the 1st Fourth Norfolk was
- the cause of a 1920's MIA controversy in Britain (similar to our
- own VietNam MIA controversy) and resulted in considerable tension
- between Britain and the Turkish Republic, right up to and after
- World War II.
- 2. June 1954, Kirimukuyu, Kenya (on Mt. Kenya). The entire
- village of Kirimukuyu was incinerated in the middle of a village
- marriage ceremony. The incident occured in the early evening and
- within earshot of the neighboring villages.
- The sounds of drums and celebrating were heard from Kirimukyu until
- about 9 p.m., at which time all sound suddenly stopped.
- Neighboring villagers and a shepard who was much closer to the
- village observed lights moving in the sky and rays or beams of
- intense light being directed downward into the village. There were
- no survivors among the several hundred inhabitants.
- Weird and grim, don't you think?
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: More Missing
- Date: 8 Mar 91 12:15:00 GMT
- What are your sources on this information?
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Peggy.Noonan@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
- Subject: Re: Phenomenon Framed Again!
- Date: 8 Mar 91 12:49:00 GMT
- >You'll have to tune in more often...
- Right, John! Same time, same station...."Don't touch that dial!"
- --
- Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Resonant Coil Implications?
- Date: 8 Mar 91 22:44:00 GMT
- > From: User <YSCS1296@vm1.yorku.ca>
- > And finally, a friend told me that the URE that was filmed (Unidentified
- > Running Entity) from the window (as mentioned several newsletters ago,
- > along with the claim that the Stealth was from UFO parts - the 10
- > strangest stories of 1990) was broadcast on one of the tabloids (H.C.,
- > A.C.A., I.E., or U.M.) and he said it didn't look like any familiar
- > animal or even an Earth-like animal. Anyone else saw this broadcast?
- Are you referring to the Jones' case in Greenville, South Carolina, Halloween
- evening, in 1989? If so, I have not heard anything further on it. I do have
- a copy of the video tape that was made when A Current Affair covered that
- story. Supposedly, MUFON was to be investigating this case, but I also heard
- that they botched it and the witness lost confidence in them.
- > And how come nobody is commenting on the Unsolved Mysteries broadcast
- > of the Kecksberg incident? Did EVERYONE miss it except me?
- I also saw this and have a tape of it. I believe that there was some comment
- on it a few issues back. I will see what I have on it. There is also a story
- which appeared in the newspaper in that neck of the woods, which I will
- reprint here for your enjoyment.
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: ParaNet.Information.Service@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
- Subject: Kecksburg UFO story
- Date: 8 Mar 91 22:52:00 GMT
- Below is a reprint on the Kecksburg UFO story which preceeded the Unsolved
- Mysteries segment of last year.
- DATE OF ARTICLE: May 6, 1989
- LOCATION: Latrobe, Pennsylvania
- BYLINE: Kim Opatka
- ========================================================
- ========================================================
- By Kim Opatka
- Bulletin Staff Writer
- This final article in a six-part series on unidentified
- flying objects (UFOS) examines one of the most talked about and
- controversial incidents in the area, what has been termed a
- meteorite by some and an alien craft by others, which crashed in
- Kecksburg December 9, 1965.
- The object was first seen streaking across the sky, with
- thousands from Michigan to New York witnessing a brilliant ball
- of fire which left a smoke trail, visible for about 20 minutes
- after it passed.
- Many, including pilots who observed it, thought it was an
- aircraft which was on fire. Reports of debris from the object
- were made in many states, and an Ohio fire department was called
- to extinguish 10 small fires in an area where witnesses said they
- saw flaming fragments falling from the sky.
- Shock waves were reported by pilots, and a seismograph near
- Detroit recorded a shock, wrote investigator Stan Gordon, of
- Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained (PASU)
- in a recent journal article. The crash has been a pet project of
- the Greensburg man "since the night it happened," he said, noting
- he is still trying to obtain information on the incident.
- Although the military eventually labeled the object a
- meteor, as did the Associated Press account published in The
- Bulletin the day after the crash, Gordon says recent evidence,
- including the discovery of a man who saw the object, supports the
- idea that the object was a true UFO.
- "I was a teen-ager then," said John (not his real name).
- "It was in the early part of December and there was a little snow
- and a little rain, and mud."
- He was called to the scene after the 4:44 p.m. crash as a
- fireman from the Latrobe area, to search for the crashed object.
- "I had seen a fiery object in the sky. I can't say exactly
- which direction but it was coming from the north. It was not too
- much longer and the fire whistle went off," he said. "I answered
- the call and was told they needed a search team because at the
- time they believed it was a downed aircraft. And I thought, 'My
- God, this is what I have just seen'."
- When firemen arrived at the Kecksburg Fire Hall, maps were
- reviewed and groups were given sections to search.
- "It was getting semi-dusk and we had flashlights. We were
- taken in the back of a truck and dropped off and told to go 'this
- way' which we did. I was not on the initial contact team.
- Another team found the object.
- "It was definitely, unequivocally, positively, absolutely no
- aircraft, plane, helicopter or rocket, at least not to my
- knowledge. It was in an area that was part field and part woods
- and we went down to investigate," he said.
- "We found the object had crashed at a 30 to 40 degree angle,
- and had broken off numerous tree branches in its impact path. My
- initial reaction was 'This is no airplane.' I observed no
- shrapnel, no breaking up of the fuselage. It was one solid
- piece, no doors, no windows.
- "Preliminary searches found no bodies or casualties. It was
- shaped like an acorn, laying on its side, like the acorn nut is
- in its shell when it's on a tree," he explained. "I've been a
- machinist for 24 years and I've worked with a tremendous amount
- of different metals, and I have never seen any type of metal that
- looked even close to that."
- John said the object was not broken, "not even cracked, just
- dented a bit. It did not give off smoke, steam or vapors, at
- least none that we could see."
- Reports from neighbors in the area said it had given off a
- faint trail of blue smoke, which disappeared after the crash.
- He described the portion visible as between eight and 10
- feet long, six and seven feet across, and said a man of average
- height would probably have had little trouble standing up inside
- it. The crater it plowed into the ground was "rectangular in
- shape."
- John said the state police were there and the area was soon
- quarantined.
- "They drove us out. It was late at night when we finally
- got back to the fire hall and it had been completely taken over
- by the military. They were carrying in large pieces of
- equipment, radios and such, and they had armed guards posted
- outside so nobody could get in or out. The firemen were thrown
- out. We weren't even allowed in to use the bathroom.
- "The military had control of the whole operation," John
- recalled. "After a while we saw a flat bed truck come by with
- some other military equipment, a crane or something.
- "It was not too much longer, an hour, an hour and a half,
- when the trucks came back and there was a large object on the
- back of the flat bed, covered by a tarp, with military escorts
- front and back. I got the feeling that if you had stepped on the
- road you were dead meat. They weren't stopping for anything."
- Although the object was later said to be a meteorite, John
- doesn't buy that explanation.
- "It had writing on it, not like your average writing, but
- more like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. It had sort of a
- bumper on it, like a ribbon about six to 10 inches wide, and it
- stood out. It was elliptical the whole way around and the
- writing was on this bumper. It's nothing like I've ever seen,
- and I'm an avid reader. I read a lot of books on Egypt, the
- Incas, Peruvians, Russians and I've never to this day come across
- anything that looked like that."
- John notes that later it was denied that the object was even
- a meteorite, and the military "denied they were even in the area.
- But I know there were Air Force and Army personnel involved. It
- was like they just came out of the woodwork."
- Gordon's research has revealed that one of the military
- groups involved was most likely to be the 662nd Radar Squadron,
- based at the Oakdale Armory, located near Greater Pittsburgh
- International Airport.
- The squadron was found to be under the control of the
- Aerospace Defense Command, and attempts to get information on the
- Kecksburg crash, through the Freedom of Information Act, have not
- provided much to go on.
- One response said there had been no record of the squadron
- being activated on that date, Gordon said, wondering how so much
- equipment and personnel could be activated while the monthly
- report showed no entry on Dec. 9.
- Through his research, Gordon says he knows the Air Force was
- still investigating UFO cases at the public level then, and that
- it was apparently the Project Blue Book staff which contacted the
- 662nd squadron. Subsequent reports have led him to theorize that
- even the Project Blue Book staff was not made aware of objects
- which could "affect national security," and that some
- intelligence teams investigated crashes of "foreign space
- vehicles."
- Another strange occurrence that night, Gordon said, was
- reports by some civilians that radiation was released. He
- explained that some children playing in the area had reportedly
- been told by military personnel that that was a possibility, and
- men in decontamination suits were allegedly seen at the site
- later the next day.
- Although he has considered the possibility that the object
- could have been space debris or a test device, Gordon says
- documents and evidence obtained in the last few years lead more
- in the direction of it being a "true UFO."
- John concurs.
- "It was definitely not of this planet. At the time I was a
- skeptical teen, but when you see something like that you don't
- forget it. When you get called out like that from the fire
- department you think you're going out looking for an aircraft of
- some sort, not a UFO.
- "I'll never forget it. I still want to know what the hell
- it was."
- =================================================================
- 8/89
- --
- ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: ParaNet(sm).Information.Service@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Graham)
- Subject: Re: Tesla, Keely, Et. Al.
- Date: 9 Mar 91 08:10:04 GMT
- >I have data on a catastrophic "explosion" (for lack of a better
- >word, since this coil is built from inert materials) in the New
- >York area and have heard accounts of similar mishaps in
- >Philadelphia (2) and Toronto (1).
- Clark, what is the data you have concerning the "explosion"?
- Regards,
- -Jim
- --
- Jim Graham - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
- Subject: Kecksburg
- Date: 8 Mar 91 05:12:01 GMT
- > Last I heard, there was *speculation* it could've been a Russian
- > space capsule.
- Well, if you think about it, it makes sense.
- It would appear as a fireball during reentry, then the chutes would
- open and it may change direction as it descends. Then, on the ground,
- the heatshield may be so hot that it starts fires or glows.
- The US military would get very excited.
- Wouldn't that be an interesting way for a cosmonaut to defect?!
- jbh
- --
- John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu!jrblack
- Subject: Resonant Gravity Coils
- Date: 9 Mar 91 12:26:58 GMT
- From: James Roger Black <jrblack@shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu>
- Regarding toroidal electromagnets and such, here is an interesting
- passage from 'Confrontations', Jacques Vallee's latest book (p. 45-6):
- In 1985 private researcher Kenneth Behrendt published a study
- entitled 'Understanding Metal-Ejecting UFOs,' in which he made the
- assumption that such devices could fly by generating 'an anti-mass
- field.' He speculated ingeniously that the intense magnetic field
- required for this operation could be produced in a 'large toroidal
- electromagnet with hollow tubular windings that are made from a
- heat-proof ceramic material,' with the windings filled with a molten
- metal.
- The quotations are footnoted:
- K.R. Behrendt, 'Understanding Metal-Ejecting UFOs,' Annals of
- Ufological Research Advances 1, No. 4 (November 1985).
- At least to my untrained eye, there appears to be a marked similarity
- between Behrendt's gadget and the 'Resonant Gravity Coil' described
- previously; just use ceramic instead of heat-resistant plastic, and
- molten aluminum or magnesium instead of wax or glycerine for the
- dielectric.
- Don't do this at home, kids. Boiling wax is bad enough, but molten
- magnesium? Yikes!
- --
- Roger Black, University of Iowa, Iowa City
- INTERNET: jrblack@shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Don Sudduth)
- Subject: Re: Kecksburg
- Date: 9 Mar 91 16:27:00 GMT
- The possible radiation sickness described by some of the witnesses may
- also support the Russian satillite theory. The containment of radio-
- active materials may not have been much of a concern of the Soviets at
- that time.
- --
- Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Solar Flare Alert - 07 Mar
- Date: 10 Mar 91 03:29:00 GMT
- * Forwarded from "Space Echo"
- * Originally from Bev Freed
- * Originally dated 03-08-91 11:25
- MARCH 07, 1991
- Flare Event Summary
- Potential Impact Forecast
- --------
- Three major solar flares exploded from Region 6538 today. The
- first event was a very powerful proton-type which began at 06:13 UT on
- 07 March. X-rays peaked at a class X5.5 level at 07:55 UT. The event
- ended at 08:04 UT. This flare was exceptional in energy output. It
- generated moderate to strong intensity Type II and IV bursts and was
- associated with a 3,000 s.f.u. Tenflare which lasted 26 minutes. The
- flare attained a large class 3B optical rating and was also associated
- with a 5,400 s.f.u. burst at 245 MHz. This event almost certainly
- produced a coronal mass ejection with proton activity to the east of the
- region. No protons were observed near earth. The region is still too
- far east. This flare was located at S20E66.
- The second major flare began at 14:03 UT, peaked at 14:05 UT and
- ended at 14:26 UT. The flare attained a class M5.0/SF rating, and
- originated from Region 6438 at a location of S22E62. This flare was
- not particularly powerful.
- The third major energetic flare began at 23:15 UT, peaked at
- 23:18 UT and ended at 23:26 UT on 07 March. This major flare was rated
- a class X2.5/2B Tenflare with a very strong 35,000 s.f.u. burst at
- 245 MHz. The event was also associated with a 760 s.f.u. Tenflare which
- lasted 5 minutes. Although powerful, this flare was a short impulsive
- type which did not produce any sweep frequency events and is not
- suspected of producing a coronal mass ejection. However, it did produce
- a moderately intense Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) and Short Wave
- Fade (SWF) which disrupted communications on HF frequencies up to 25 MHz.
- Strong phase shifts followed by strong signal absorption were observed
- beginning at 23:17 UT over the sunlit sectors. The SWF ended at 23:34 UT
- on 07 March.
- This latest flare will not likely produce any significant terrestrial
- impacts. There is a slight risk it could produce active conditions after
- 10 March, but magnetic or auroral storming is not likely. The region was
- too far east at the time of the major class X5.5 flare to produce
- terrestrial impacts.
- Solar activity will remain high for the next several days at least.
- Major M-class flares and isolated X-class flares are possible throughout
- the next 72 hours at least. Region 6538 is capable of producing some
- very energetic flare activity which could produce intense moderate to
- long-duration SID's/SWF's over the sunlit areas of the earth. Within
- the next 24 to 48 hours, Region 6538 will begin to enter the terrestrial
- impact zone. Major flares after 09 or 10 March could produce potentially
- moderate terrestrial impacts. Major flares after 11 March will have a
- high risk for producing high terrestrial impacts which could include
- major auroral and geomagnetic storming along with potentially strong
- degradation in radio signal propagation. However, that is still several
- days away and Region 6538 could conceivably calm down by then. On the
- other hand, it could also become more energetic. It currently possesses
- a Beta-Gamma magnetic configuration with significant amounts of shear
- and high magnetic gradients.
- The Calcium XV emission from Region 6538 increased to very bright
- levels during the day today. It appears as though Region 6538 will
- remain a significant threat throughout the coming week. The position
- of Region 6538, corrected to 24:00 UT on 08 March is S25E48. It will
- reside very near the central meridian on 12 March and will cross into
- the western hemisphere on 13 March.
- As a side-note, geomagnetic activity will remain at unsettled to
- active levels throughout most of the coming week. Storm conditions
- could occur if major flaring continues.
- Additional alerts and/or updates will continue to be posted daily
- for as long as necessary.
- ** End of Alert **
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Halley's Comet Article
- Date: 10 Mar 91 03:36:00 GMT
- * Forwarded from "NASA Space Conference"
- * Originally from Jato.jpl.nasa.gov!news@scicom.alpha
- * Originally dated 03-09-91 12:01
- From: jato.jpl.nasa.gov!news@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
- Date: 9 Mar 91 02:28:33 GMT
- Message-ID: <11025@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM>
- Newsgroups: alpha.space
- From: baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke)
- New York Times -- 3/7/91
- 'Dust Cloud Erupts on Halley's Comet'
- 'Five years after a much-heralded pass near Earth, an
- immense dust cloud has erupted from Halley's comet, making
- it hundreds of times brighter.'
- The Times reports that the potato-shaped, ice-ball core of
- Halley's comet had been very faint up until last month when a
- University of Hawaii astronomer, Dr. Karen Meech, sighted
- the new apparition.
- According to the Times, Meech noticed that the comet had
- sprouted a cloud extending up to 180,000 miles from the
- icy core of the comet and more than 1,000 times brighter
- than should be the case for an object so far from the sun.
- The Times quotes Meech as saying 'to have something turn off
- and suddenly brighten up at this distance is unheard of.'
- The story further quotes Smithsonian planetary expert Dr.
- Brian Marsden as saying 'this is much farther than anything
- we've observed before.' The article says Marsden and fellow
- colleagues at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
- Astrophysics noted this will be very hard to explain given the
- distance from the sun of the comet.
- The story concludes by citing comments made by astronomer
- Meech that other comets have produced extended clouds like
- this but that the other occurrences have been of a continuous
- cloud, not the sudden appearance of one as happened with
- Halley's comet.
- ___ _____ ___
- /_ /| /____/ \ /_ /| Ron Baalke | baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov
- | | | | __ \ /| | | | Jet Propulsion Lab | Is it mind over matter,
- ___| | | | |__) |/ | | |___ M/S 301-355 | or matter over mind?
- /___| | | | ___/ | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | Never mind.
- |_____|/ |_|/ |_____|/ | It doesn't matter.
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Halley's Comet
- Date: 10 Mar 91 03:39:00 GMT
- I am curious among our scientific users if this phenomena related to Halley's
- Comet in the previous post is a normal feature of a comet?
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: vanth!jms
- Subject: movies on WTBS
- Date: 10 Mar 91 06:18:28 GMT
- From: vanth!jms@amix.commodore.com (Jim Shaffer)
- This coming week, (Monday, March 11 through Friday, March 15), cable
- channel WTBS is going to show a movie about parapsychology, UFOlogy,
- cryptozoology, or similar subjects each day at 1:05 PM Eastern Standard
- Time. I don't have the list handy; I'm just trying to get out the message
- ahead of time. Check your local listings.
- * From the disk of: | jms@vanth.uucp | 'There's UFOs over New
- Jim Shaffer, Jr. | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | York, and I ain't too
- 37 Brook Street | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms | surprised.'
- Montgomery, PA 17752 | 72750.2335@compuserve.com | (John Lennon)
- 'Nobody told me there'd be days like these... Strange days indeed!'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: vanth!jms
- Subject: that 'fireball' -- potentially high strangeness!
- Date: 10 Mar 91 06:19:31 GMT
- From: vanth!jms@amix.commodore.com (Jim Shaffer)
- Clark Matthews writes:
- +Preliminary reports indicate sightings of a large, spherical,
- +slow-moving object with four 'exhaust-like' lights and vapor trails.
- +The object was whitish blue and was observed to change course and
- +possibly altitude.
- +
- +It was first observed over the borough of Queens in New York City at
- +around midnight 3/5/91 and was last observed by two police officers
- +in Mastic in eastern Long Island three hours later.
- +
- +Observations were reported from aircraft and witnesses on the
- +ground.
- This sure sounds to me like it could be connected to that fireball that was
- seen the same night -- the one which, according to the Associated Press,
- 'FAA spokeswoman Diane Spitalieri said pilots who called airports in
- Teeterboro, N. J. and Garden City, N. J. said the bright light was moving
- back and forth over New York City.' Highly irregular behavior for a
- fireball! (Of course, it could be a coincidence: there could've been a
- trufo and a fireball on the same night in the same place at the same time,
- or even different places and times but reported as the same thing. If
- that's the case, we're going to have a major battle to fight against the
- debunkers over this one!)
- But it gets weirder. An interesting conversation took place on CompuServe:
- +#: 102263 S10/Paranormal Issues
- + 06-Mar-91 20:30:58
- +Sb: #Eastern US Fireball
- +Fm: Michael Houdeshell 70003,4667
- +To: all
- +
- +Since it's not legal for me to reproduce APWire reports here, I can only say:
- +Read the articles at APV-4362 and APV-5774. The former reports that airline
- +pilots reported to the FAA that Wednesday morning's fireball moved back and
- +forth over NY City once it got there. The later report (5774) leaves out that
- +fact and quotes two astronomers (who didn't see it) who dismissed it as a
- +meteor.
- Cover-up, or incompetent press? You decide. <grin>
- +One witness described the fireball as 'a boomerang on its side...a cluster of
- +lights with a fire tail behind it.' (Police officer near Boston.)
- A boomerang? Are they flying the Hudson Valley craft on its side?!
- +Other witnesses said it appeared very low, but crossed the sky in a few
- +seconds. The pilots who saw it 'moving back and forth over New York City'
- +called two separate New Jersey airports to report their sightings.
- +#: 102384 S10/Paranormal Issues
- + 07-Mar-91 03:00:18
- +Sb: #102263-#Eastern US Fireball
- +Fm: James T. Sullivan 76210,1244
- +To: Michael Houdeshell 70003,4667 (X)
- +
- +Two police officers and several of my friends saw the 'fireball'. I live
- +Burlington, MA, where a lot of the action took place. Two of my employees told
- +me they saw it hover, under apparent control, and display some lighting effects
- +(blue beams). Another weird coincidence: I have a friend in the movie biz who
- Yikes! Note again that this is not all that far from the HVUFO's old
- stomping grounds. But it gets *much* weirder:
- +sculpted Alien's for Communion. I have one sitting on my desk as a big
- +paperweight. Several people I frequently do business with can't tolerate the
- +sculpture in the room with them and I'm always forced to remove it. They have
- +no interest in paranormal events (almost overly derisive of the subject) - they
- +share that aversion. They are from this area.
- +
- +The day before the 'fireball' appeared here, one of these skeptics stormed into
- +my office to tell me his 9 year old daughter woke him, complaining of little
- +alien creatures in her bedroom. He scoffed, sent her to bed, behaving like a
- +good skeptic (he didn't even give her a plausible 'bad dream' explanation).
- +
- +Another employee told me today that it woke her right out of bed. I asked her
- +how - sound, light, smoke? She has no recall. Radio stations have been buzzing
- +with call-in's all day. Keep in mind that this is not Mayberry RFD, but a large
- +high-tech sector, just ten minutes from Boston.
- These latter reports COULD easily be coincidences. It's interesting that
- the AP talked to Stan Gordon of PASU (Pennsylvania Assoc. for the Study of
- the Unexplained) and was told that the reports he had received were of a
- fireball. No strangeness was mentioned. As I mentioned earlier, there
- could've been both a fireball and a UFO. Or maybe Stan only had
- preliminary reports at the time. It's interesting that the fireball was
- reported to have a 'reddish-green' trail, and that green is apparently a
- very uncommon color for fireballs (from previous discussions here on
- Paranet.)
- I can't wait to see if any more reports come in -- particularly
- high-strangeness reports.
- * From the disk of: | jms@vanth.uucp | 'There's UFOs over New
- Jim Shaffer, Jr. | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | York, and I ain't too
- 37 Brook Street | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms | surprised.'
- Montgomery, PA 17752 | 72750.2335@compuserve.com | (John Lennon)
- 'Nobody told me there'd be days like these... Strange days indeed!'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: More Missing
- Date: 9 Mar 91 07:20:00 GMT
- > What are your sources on this information?
- >
- Good public sources. The First Fourth is an enduring mystery
- documented in several of Berlitz's books as well as Dr. Vallee's.
- Incidentally, the mysterious disappearance of the regiment was
- mentioned in a display at the Imperial War Museum when I visited
- there five years ago.
- The horrible story of Kirimukuyu comes from Jacques Vallee's
- Confrontations. I have seen it nowhere else, although it closely
- matches another, unspecific report and they may in fact refer to the
- same incident.
- For that matter, most of the awful CEIIIs Vallee documents from the
- Amazon Basin could qualify as "More Missing". Unfortunately for the
- victims, they were still alive when they started falling apart...
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: More Missing
- Date: 9 Mar 91 22:28:00 GMT
- > Good public sources. The First Fourth is an enduring mystery documented
- > in several of Berlitz's books as well as Dr. Vallee's. Incidentally, the
- > mysterious disappearance of the regiment was mentioned in a display at
- > the Imperial War Museum when I visited there five years ago.
- >
- > The horrible story of Kirimukuyu comes from Jacques Vallee's
- > Confrontations. I have seen it nowhere else, although it closely
- > matches another, unspecific report and they may in fact refer to the
- > same incident.
- >
- > For that matter, most of the awful CEIIIs Vallee documents from the
- > Amazon Basin could qualify as "More Missing". Unfortunately for the
- > victims, they were still alive when they started falling apart...
- Thanks for the reply. I wonder what contemporary "More Missing" there are?
- Any information on this?
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
- Subject: BILL COOPER
- Date: 8 Mar 91 22:28:00 GMT
- My Gosh! some of you people have been really hard on Mr. Cooper
- lately. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe all that Milty says but I will
- listen to Bill and see what he has to say. This is known as investigation
- procedures.
- I would like to add a little bit of comment here and I think that some of
- the real investigators will agree. When you are out giving lectures like Bill
- is, you will meet a lot of very interesting people and some of these have some
- interesting storys to tell. Most good investigators will follow up on these
- storys and try to verify them and some will just relay what they heard. I
- think this might be the case on William Cooper.
- What you might be getting is a lot of garbage from Bill but if you are
- dumping trash at your local land fill and happen to spot what looks like a
- diamond ring among the trash, do you tell yourself that its not because
- all thats here is trash or do you pick it up and examine it. Or if it
- happened to be a mental patient that was wondering through the desert and
- happened to find the dead sea scrolls. Would you discard them as not real
- because the person who found it was missing a few marbles.
- Some of you seem to make quick judgement because of the source or
- because you don't understand it. I would like to add that there are a lot
- of things that can't be explained. If you here tell of a person name
- Hatonn that tells us whatever it is (I never read his material) listen
- and make it a piece of your puzzle. This cover-up, UFOs, channeling,
- ghost, spirits, cattle mulilation, abductions, etc. could be part of
- the big picture. Don't throw a part of this puzzle away because someday
- it might fit into the big picture.
- Don't throw all of Bill Cooper away but put it off to the side if you
- think its garbage. I have not done or tried to Channel aliens but have sat
- in on some sections and found them to be most interesting. I have not made
- a determination if what I see or hear is real but I won't throw it away
- as garbage. I have no proof that its real or not, so its a part of my
- puzzle. If you must close your mind to all what Bill Cooper, Hatonn or
- what ever, then you might as well join the Bay Area Skeptic group.
- Believe me when I say that you are not getting all the information
- from the good investigators. They keep a lot of information to themselfs
- because of different reasons that only they know. Isn't that right Mr.
- Ecker, Mr. Stevens, Mr. lear, Mr. English, etc. There is no way that I
- release what I have learn and take a chance to jeopardize someone job
- or life to satisfy some arm chair Ufologist or Skeptic. There been
- too many good investigators that lost there jobs because of what they
- are doing and for what? To listen to a bunch of skeptics. These few
- people are trying to find the answers or puzzle to the big picture.
- OK, maybe Bill Cooper has just a little bit of common decency and
- won't release his source of information as he promise to that person.
- Just a thought! I know to some of you that this is impossible but I
- feel that there is good in all of us somewhere. He sure hasn't shown
- too much of this in the last couple of years from what I've heard. But
- I am going to look for that small ray of sunlight that is being block
- by that empty liquor bottle. He is a good speaker and can be a big
- help to the Ufology field if he can strighten himself out. And maybe
- he did read Grudge 13, who knows for sure but him.
- 73's to all ---Jim---
- --
- Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
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